2019 has been a year of grief and loss. Forever is a word I shiver on when I hear it because I experienced the fragility of life.

Time is the greatest healer. Most of the time I feel I am healed until I broke down in tears when:
drove auto pilot to my old house which is no longer mine;
caught myself forgetting to revert to my maiden name;
had the urge to share news with my best friend whose voice I no longer hear;
curled up in bed where my cat once cosily slept.

Then I come here to WordPress, a place I found many sad people come and celebrate being sad. This community has been helping me through my grief and loss. My load is shared, my sadness is heard, my heart is touched. I am accepted and good enough.

It is through trials and tribulations, God’s grace comes through. I have found hope in a hopeless state; I have formed deep friendship in a desolate place; I have found love with a wounded heart. So in the end, it is all worth it.

Although suffering is very much a lonely thing to endure, life indeed is a journey better to journey with others than alone.

My special thanks go to the following fellow bloggers. You have all brought positivity into my life and enriched my creativity.

with love and respect,

Cassa Bassa

Author: Cassa Bassa

🇦🇺🇨🇳 inquisitive, observant, witty, a thinker, was a misfit child 😊

28 thoughts on “2019”

  1. Thanks for the mention. You are a talented writer and seem to be getting better with every new piece. I’m very happy to have crossed paths with you and look forward to watching you continue to grow and fine-tune your voice.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. God’s plans… no one knows. Grief and sorrow are merely a gateway to peace and happiness. In will all come to pass in God’s time..
    Blessings be with you, dear friend.
    Health and Happiness be yours in this coming year. 💕
    (of course.. a little prosperity would be nice also..) 😉


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