Missing Person

She has been dreaming for years
to be the girl next door
living on a remote farm
where her closest neighbour
is 200k away

Farm life makes her
frightfully independent
She is the master of
shepherd dogs
a shepherd with a flock of geese
She tends to 2 silos filled with
1000 hectares harvest grains

Old pub on Friday nights
farmers are looking for a wife
They always look past her
thinking she is one of their own
sunburnt, sweaty, steward of the land
She finds herself
putting on mascara, blush, lip gloss
in vain

She packs her bag
drives her ute to the next town
hops on the first train
becomes the statistic of
another missing person

Author: Cassa Bassa

🇦🇺🇨🇳 inquisitive, observant, witty, a thinker, was a misfit child 😊

10 thoughts on “Missing Person”

  1. Desperation has us doing some very sad things. I often wonder about these missing people. What happens to them? Hopefully, a beautiful life emerges and they simply abandon their old lives.


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