Anniversary – The Scars We Don’t See

My collection of micro fiction The Scars We Don’t See has been out for a year. I have no idea how many copies have been sold and how many people have read it. If you are interested, get a copy now.

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It started as an intention to leave something for my son to keep when I am gone (a bit morbid, I know). Then through the process of being guided by my publisher Tara and my editor Candice, to put this book together, I felt inspired by the joy a completed book brought to all parties involved. I am eternally grateful for Tara and Candice, deeply encouraged by Benjamin , without them, this book would not become a reality.

With love and respect, Cassa

Author: Cassa Bassa

🇦🇺🇨🇳 inquisitive, observant, witty, a thinker, was a misfit child 😊

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