Mermaid Dreams

This is a collaboration with Michele Lee inspired by our shared love for the nature and friendship. I adore Michele’s work and recently read her novela Her Costal Cottage. If you haven’t already read Michele’s work, pay a visit to her blog My Inspired Life, I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I have been.

Image by oneinchpunch

A playground first encounter
two shy girls found each other

A friendship bonded by quiet giggles and thousand smiles

Best Friends Forever sealed with a pinky swear
while painted toes pressed into the pearly sand

Promises made when forever was cloaked by the misty gray fog, carrying the secrets of unknown tomorrows

falling gently on their straw hats and small hands busy adding broken shells to their sandcastle kingdom

where two mermaids could live
when they weren’t underwater exploring

The crystal blue above and the deep turquoise below
blending, swallowing shadows and fragile castles

as two little girls left the beach,

side by side skipping, singing, and hand-holding

half buried, a red bucket and spade forgotten

Friendship to me represents endless happy moments spent on the beach.